The Bangles Are Going Down To Ridgefield!
by John A. Wilcox

Back in 1984, my friend Colin turned me on to this little up-and-coming quartet from the West coast called the Bangles. I liked the sound - edgy pop with great harmonies. I was writing for a local free monthly rag at that time and managed to secure a day-of-show interview backstage at Toad's Place in New Haven. I chatted with the Peterson sisters - Vicki & Debbi, and squeezed a few replies out of Susanna Hoffs. They were all great folks and turned in a fantastic, energetic show later that evening with fresh sounding songs like Silent Treatment, Live, and Going Down To Liverpool. That was October 1st, 1984.

30 years and 1 day later, they'll be on stage at the Ridgefield Playhouse. The mindset is the same. After massive hits like Manic Monday, Eternal Flame, and Walk Like An Egyptian, they remain 3 women that love to play. Coincidentally, they'll also be featuring a nice chunk of material from the earliest days. Vicki Peterson: It just so happens that this time around we are doing quite a bit of that. We're definitely revisiting our earliest garage band days. It seemed like a fun thing to do.

Fans of the hits have no worries - those will all be there as well. Mind you, they may have a bit of fun with them! Particularly Walk Like An Egyptian. Peterson explains: We've mutilated Egyptian in so many ways over the years including inserting what I call musical non-sequiturs in the middle of the song - just because! What will they do this time? Peterson teases: Wait and see!

When not performing with the Bangles, Vicki Peterson also has a fun project with Susan Cowsill from the legendary Cowsills called the Psycho Sisters. The have a fine album out and play gigs across the country. On the Bangles front, look for a new digital release to be released next month. Peterson: On Thanksgiving we are making available in digital format the EP, the first 45, some demos we made, a couple of live tracks from that era, and covers. We had quite the treasure hunt to try to locate the masters. They weren't where you thought they might be! Vicki & Debbi Peterson, Susanna Hoffs, and bassist Derrick Anderson will be bringing sweet harmonies and rocking guitars to the Ridgefield stage. Join the paisley underground and get there!
The Bangles
Thursday, October 2, 8 PM
The Ridgefield Playhouse
80 East Ridge
Ridgefield, CT 06877
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